Get the photocopy from the Brighton Rock folder in the library.
Questions on Bernard Bergonzi's A Study in Greene, Ch 4 - 'Brighton'
1) Sum up some of the theories about Hale’s death. (p83-4)
2) How might Greene’s style be described as cinematic? (p.86+p.98)
3) How might the impending war be hinted at in BR?
4) How does Bergonzi view Pinkie’s character? (p.87-88)
5) In what ways does BR (and especially Pinkie’s character, link with earlier literature?(p.89-91)
6) Try to sum up the points about evil starting from the bottom of page 94. How could Pinkie be linked to Satan? How is Catholicism important in the novel? (Manichaeism is the idea that the world is all about a battle between the forces of good and evil).
7) How does John Carey criticise Greene? (p.97-98)
8) Look at Bergonzi’s last paragraph on BR on p.101. What does Bergonzi say BR’s quality depends on if not on the religious dimension?
9) How is Pinkie described in the last paragraph?