Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Questions on Bergonzi's Chapter in A Study in Greene

Get the photocopy from the Brighton Rock folder in the library.
Questions on Bernard Bergonzi's A Study in Greene, Ch 4 - 'Brighton'
1) Sum up some of the theories about Hale’s death. (p83-4)
2) How might Greene’s style be described as cinematic? (p.86+p.98)
3) How might the impending war be hinted at in BR?
4) How does Bergonzi view Pinkie’s character? (p.87-88)
5) In what ways does BR (and especially Pinkie’s character, link with earlier literature?(p.89-91)
6) Try to sum up the points about evil starting from the bottom of page 94. How could Pinkie be linked to Satan? How is Catholicism important in the novel? (Manichaeism is the idea that the world is all about a battle between the forces of good and evil).
7) How does John Carey criticise Greene? (p.97-98)
8) Look at Bergonzi’s last paragraph on BR on p.101. What does Bergonzi say BR’s quality depends on if not on the religious dimension?
9) How is Pinkie described in the last paragraph?
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Practice Exam Question
‘Brighton Rock is a story of how the individual struggles to fit into society.’
Explore the methods which writers use to present the struggles of individuals
trying to fit into society.
In your response, you should focus on Brighton Rock to establish your argument
and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop
your line of argument.
Plan an answer to this question for next lesson. You will have to do this in time conditions.

Reading Journal No. 7
The first chapter of Part 4 is long and contains some significant moments. Pinkie betrays Spicer and is in turn betrayed by Colleoni. Pinkie escapes and hides in a garage. The objects in the garage represent everything Pinkie hates about middle class conventional lifestyles. He hates the owner even though he has never met him.
Pinkie then goes to Snow's where he meets Rose. Look at how the owner refers to Pinkie when she finds the two.
On returning to Frank's Pinie discovers that Spicer is still alive. He talks to Prewitt the lawyer and arranges the marriage.
In chapter 2 Ida speaks to Rose in her room and tries to persuade her that Pinkie does not love her.
At the start of chapter 3 we learn that Pinkie has killed Spicer by throwing him down the stairs at Franks. (We have seen some foreshadowing of this when Spicer walks up the stairs and puts his hand on the shaky bannister) After blackmaling Prewitt, Pinkie goes to Snow's and finds Ida in Rose's room. There is a confrontation with the three main characters involved. When Ida leaves Pinkie announces the marriage.
Questions to consider
Look at the garage scene. Page 115 and 116. What does it say about Pinkie and his attitude to society in general?
There is a lot of military language used to describe the conflict between Pinkie and Ida. What do you think is the significance of this? (Look, for example at the start of ch2)
What does chapter 3 add to our understanding of how Ida and Pinkie represent good and evil?
Look at the last paragraph of the chapter. What does this say about Pinkie's attitude to Rose?