Read Chapter 2 and Chapter 3
Chapter 2 (pages 20-27)
Pinkie takes a more prominent role and we see him as the leader of the mob. Look at p.20 and the description of Pinkie which refers to the 'annihilating eternity from which he had come and to which he went'. What might the annihilating eternity mean and what impression does it give you of Pinkie? Continue to add to your notes on Pinkie as you read through the chapter. How do we get a sense of Pinkie's authority over the gang? Consider how he plans everything carefully. Also, what role do Kolly Kibber's cards play in the plot?
We are introduced to the members of Pinkie's mob. Make brief notes on Spicer, Cubitt and Dallow.
In the second half of chapter 2 we are introduced to Rose. Make brief notes on her character. Explain why Pinkie is interested in her.
Chapter 3 (pages 28-43)
Ida returns to the story. This time she is back in London and hears of Hale's death. Why does she think there might be more to Hale's death than what is reported?
Make brief notes on Ida's character. In what ways might she be said to be: inquisitive, generous, spiritual?