Friday, 12 February 2010

Assessment Objectives for Unit 1 Section C (Prose) (BR and ACO)

In the exam you will be assessed on two AOs only:

Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to
literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts,
and coherent, accurate written expression (15 marks)

Demonstrate detailed critical understanding in analysing
ways in which structure, form and language shape meanings
in literary texts (25 marks)

The first thing you might notice is that there is no requirement for comparison. (AO3 is missing - this is assessed in the poetry section). This means firstly that BR has to be the main, core text and the one you focus on throughout. ACO is then brought in to back up your points. As the exam board say, 'You should focus on your core text to establish an argument and refer to your further text to develop your line of argument.'

Obviously we will look at ways of doing this over the next 2 months.

So, as you read BR keep in mind 3 important things:
- You must analyse the language, structure (how it is organised) and form (it's a novel, a novel of action but also of ideas and at the same time a thriller! - how does all this affect the reader)...
- Keep making links to ACO
- Consider the themes and possible exam questions (you've seen some already so you can have an idea what might come up).