Read Part 2 Chapter 1 (pages 47-62)
The chapter is in two halves. The first part deals mainly with Pinkie and Rose. The meet at the pier and go to a dance. There are many contrasts in the chapter. For example: the characters of Pinkie and Rose; the poetry of the lyrics of the songs at the dance; heaven and hell (p.55); Pinkie and Rose's activities compared to Pinkie and Dallow's. There are also some rivalries and tensions evoked in the chapter: Pinkie and Colleoni; Pinkie and Spicer.
Questions and notes:
First of all make notes on the contrasts mentioned above. Also, make notes on how Pinkie's cruel and callous nature is portrayed in this chapter. How does Pinkie try to scare Rose? Make notes on Pinkie's attitude to Spicer and his attitude to Dallow.
Divide a page in two. On the left note some of the things that happen in the first half of the chapter esp. between Pinkie and Rose and on the right note some of the things that happen in the second half with the 'mob'.