Thursday 13 May 2010

Past and Sample Exam Questions

Sample Paper from Exam Bd Either:
(a) ‘Greene presents a distorted picture of humanity’s preoccupations: “Of course there is Hell. Flames and damnation.”’
Explore this view of Greene’s presentation of morality and moral judgement.
In your response, you should focus on Brighton Rock to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument.


(b) ‘Some novels focus exclusively on the masculine experience.’
Using Brighton Rock page 22 as your starting point, from ‘“Well?” the boy said’ to ‘He raised his voice again. “Listen. Do you hear that?”’ page 23, explore how masculinity is presented.
In your response, you should focus on Brighton Rock to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument.

Jan 2009 Either:
(a) ‘Trust is ultimately the most important theme in the novel.’
Explore the methods which writers use to present the theme of trust.
In your response, you should focus on Brighton Rock to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument.


(b) ‘The strength of the novel is its use of irony and ironic situations.’
Using Brighton Rock page 203 as your starting point, from ‘He said cautiously into the dark, “It’s all right. Go to sleep.”’ to the end of the chapter on page 204, explore how writers use irony and ironic situations to create interest for the reader.
In your response, you should focus on Brighton Rock to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument.

(a) ‘Characters faced with difficult choices are the most interesting to read about.’
Explore the methods which writers use to present characters faced with difficult choices.
In your response, you should focus on Brighton Rock to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument.
(b) ‘A book which raises interesting moral questions....’
Using Brighton Rock page 36 as your starting point, from ‘It’s the least you can do for anyone – ask questions,’ to ‘“You might have.”’ on page 37, explore the methods which writers use to raise questions, moral and otherwise.
In your response, you should focus on Brighton Rock to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument.

(a) ‘Brighton Rock is a story of how the individual struggles to fit into society.’
Explore the methods which writers use to present the struggles of individuals trying to fit into society.
In your response, you should focus on Brighton Rock to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument.
(b) ‘In Brighton Rock, it eventually seems that the whole of society is corrupt.’
Using Brighton Rock page 82 as your starting point, from ‘“I’m sorry, Mrs. Arnold.”’ to ‘“I’ve got my friends.”’ on page 83, explore the methods which writers use to present the idea that their societies are corrupt.
In your response, you should focus on Brighton Rock to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument.

Brighton Rock (&ACO) Key Quotes

Brighton Rock (as chosen by Yr12)

p.12 Grey inhuman seventeen year old eyes.

p.14 She smelt of soap and wine

p.43 Right and wrong…

p.55 Of course there’s Hell. Flames and damnation.

p.116 He was nameless, faceless, but the Boy hated him…

p.216 It’s like those sticks of rock: bite all the way down, you’ll still read
Brighton. That’s human nature.

p.264 It was as if the flames had literally got him…

p.250 She began to pray to herself, “Holy Mary, mother of God,” but then she stopped – she was in mortal sin: it was no good praying

p.135 between the stirrup and the ground…


p.24 There has to be a leader. Discipline there has to be.

p.94 Am I just to be a clockwork orange?

p.63 Goodness is something chosen. When man cannot choose he ceases to be man.

p.71 You are to be made into a good boy… Is a man who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed on him?

p.125 A victim of the modern age.

p.? Youth is only being in a way like it might be an animal.

Hints on Tackling the Exam

Reading Journal No. 10

Reading Journal No. 9

Reading Journal No. 8